Is God good?

I pitched my tent with you for days
I left my food to stale
I forsook comfort for poor stay
So I could get a pay

I cried for hours
I studied till time died out
I listened to tracks and messages
To prove I was desperate about my request

At the end of seven day marathon
I don't get any assurance
I feel myself rippled and torn
With anger of wasted time with God

Is it fair?
Is God real?
Does he answer all?
Or his favorites

Then, all of a sudden
He shows up,
I'm pregnant with riches
Thank you God, please take your leave...


Don't seek his hand, seek his heart.

poem by Owolabi Philip
Twitter OwolabiPhilipM1
IG: philipowolabi
Facebook: Philip Owolabi
Whatsapp: 07056240398


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