
Many a times we ask the question why, we wanna know why He didn't show up, why He didn't help us or why He didn't care. I think those questions are overrated but very few ask themselves these questions, what did I do wrong?
This short exposition answers it all.
The greatest question some ask with tears in their eyes is WHY DID HE/SHE HAVE TO DIE?

No reasonable and loving human wants his family, friend or distant relatives or close enemy to die a painful death but it just happens and it seems God isn't doing a dine.
Here is the clause to God's protection.
Psalms 118:17 says, I shall not die but live and declare the works of God.
What does this mean?
Biblically, God will only protect his own, true!

But God will more than protect those who declare His works.
In the kingdom of God, we have two categories,

Liabilities and Asset.

A liability is a Christian who only goes to church, pay his due, and identifies himself as a member

While an asset is a Christian who is into kingdom advancement.

The truth is: a liability is open to commit many sins, because of his limited relationship with God, so he is being shared between God and the devil, because " whosoever sins is of the devil"

While an asset, being a tool in God's hands is not allowed to commit sins, because God is holy and uses him always.

Every Christian was not saved to be a liability but because of nonchalance to spiritual things they took that tag.

So at the appearance of the devil, who " steals, kills and destroys " He will take the liability Christian with the aim of killing him/her.

God in his infinite Mercy before letting the devil do anything, will send evangelist on Facebook, physically, dreams to you to change and become a God chaser, but nah, the liability has no plans for that, he just ride on thinking all is well.

And soon he dies. God tried to help him.
The truth is God cannot and does not have the authority to protect a sinner who ignorantly lives for the devil.

The only avenue is Mercy, and it is dependent on God to choose not man.
It's sad but true, there is a line where devil keeps his captives and where God protects His champion.

So you got somebody who is into religious activities but not a God chaser, tell him quickly, the devil is after you, activities don't save.

Or you have someone who lives like God only shows up on Sunday, c'mon, he has to change quickly because God is good and merciful.

So, the principle is
Declare God's work in however small way, and he'll make sure you live.

This is one explanation to divers occurrences. There are other factors that causes death as well.
Lord, I need your mercy.
God bless.

insight by Owolabi Philip
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